Please provide your honest and candid feedback about the helpfulness of the "Mindfulness and Grief" series. 1. The group leaders were skilled at facilitating discussion.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please comment:*2. The input from the volunteer co-facilitator was helpful.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please comment:*3. The leaders provided a good balance between teaching and discussion.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please comment:*4. The leaders were knowledgeable about grief.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please comment:*5. I found the explanation about how stress impacts the body to be helpful.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please comment:*6. I found the information on body scanning, breathing, and visualization to be helpful.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*7. I found the handouts to be helpful.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*8. I found it helpful to understand how my grief affects my anxiety level.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*9. I understand how mindfulness practices can help me cope with my emotions.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*10. I believe I am less impulsive and more thoughtful now as compared to before attending this series.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*11. I felt welcomed and heard by others in the group.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain*12. The course addressed my questions and concerns about grief.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Please explain:*13. Is this the second time you are attending the Mindfulness and Grief series?* Yes No 13a. If yes, how would you rate the helpfulness of the series that you just completed?* Waste of my time Somewhat unhelpful Neither helpful or unhelpful Helpful Very helpful 13b. Please help us understand your thoughts behind your rating.*14. Additional comments/suggestions:Your Name (optional): Δ
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