Name of school:1. The material presented was pertinent to the needs of the students.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Comments:2. Expectations for the group were met.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Comments:3. Handouts and activities helped the students with their grief.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Comments:4. The grief counselor helped the students process their feelings and develop insights and improved coping skills.* Strongly DISAGREE DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree AGREE Strongly AGREE Comments:5. I would rate this program as:* Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent Comments:6. Is there anything you think should have been covered or done differently? If so, please explain.7. Additional comments or suggestions:Your name (optional) Δ
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